School Council
Current Membership
Ciaran Barr
Noah Friel
Logan Roddy
Che Duffy
Cianan Campbell
Ben Curran
Niko Dziarski
Ciaran Fisher
Aaron McCafferty
Ben Maguire
Adam Gallagher
Conor McRae

The Objects of the Student Council shall be:
To designate elected Students as representatives of the school’s student body.
To feedback ideas / views / recommendations of the student body to the teacher / SMT link.
To generate ideas and campaigns to engage Students within and without the school.
Role of Student Members:
Chair – Is a current, year 14 student. They set the agenda for meetings, delegate tasks, agree targets, agree dates for follow up meetings. This should liaise with the school’s Head Boy, who acts as a representative of the school in formal public events. The chair’s name is one of three names required to sign off financial decisions.
Vice-chair – Is a year 12 student. They support the role of the Chair and step into their role in their absence.
Finance Officer – To manage the finances of the student council. This is an elected student who is a current member of the school council. His name is one of three names required to sign off financial decisions.
Secretary – Is a current, year 13 student. Their role is to record minutes of meetings, type them up and circulate with all members. They must provide a copy of minutes for each meeting.
Election of Student Representatives
Each year group’s year head shall arrange for the election of Student Representatives.
A pupil’s tenure / membership to the Student Council is from September to June for each academic year.
Pupils can be re-elected every year.
Student Council meetings should be held regularly to inform of updates and actions needed.
Role of SMT / Teacher Link
The SMT / Teacher Link aim to facilitate the Objects of the Student Council. They aim to ensure the Voice of the Student Body is heard at SMT level.
The SMT link teacher is one of three names required to sign off any financial decisions.