Pastoral Care
St Joseph’s Boys’ School celebrates excellent Pastoral Care every year and with every year group. Our successful Pastoral Care Programmes means your child is safe, happy and ready to perform to their full potential. All our staff have a responsibility for developing our pupil’s self-esteem, self-motivation and to help foster a positive towards accessing a full and varied curriculum. Our short-term goals in Year 8 will be to ensure our boys make a safe transition from primary school with a longer-term plan to prepare our boys for a world of academia and employment after their seven school years. This time will fly for Parents. All of our staff are invested in making this journey with you, our parents, through an enriching pastoral curriculum. Each year group has Form teachers, a Year Head and each Key Stage has a Head of School to allow all our boys appropriate care, support and advice.
The pastoral care here in St Joseph’s primary aim is to provide a safe environment whilst building positive relationships rooted in respect and ensuring pupils are ready to learn. Pastoral Care is evidenced in the relationships in school between teacher and pupil, teacher and parent and among the pupils themselves. We believe this is achieved daily in a school community that fosters relationships between staff and pupils that are warm, loving and respectful.
Designated Officer for Child Protection: Ciara Deane
Deputy Designated Officer for Child Protection: Fiona Harrigan
Just some of the ways that the achievements and successes of our pupils are celebrated are:
Prize-giving ceremony
Incentive trips
Class rewards
Comments in daybook / verbal acknowledgements
Postcards/letters home
Pupil of the month awards
Display work
School representation at relevant events
Roles and Responsibilities such as Head Boy, prefects, captains and vice- captains

Mrs Ciara Deane - Pastoral VP